

VOICES UNITED was the title of our May 2013 concert - a very special occasion when the Choral Society was joined by CHORUS NIAGARA from Canada. This well-known choir is particularly famous for their "Food Court Flash Hallelujah Chorus" which has been viewed over 40 million times on U-tube!  This time however they sang Beethoven's Mass in C with us, followed by Orff's Carmina Burana. Their conductor Robert Cooper conducted the Beethoven. Here are some photos from the eventful weekend. Many thanks to Bill Gillies, who has taken most of the photographs on this website.

Greeting our visitors
Greeting our visitors
The weekend started with a Civic Reception at the Town House. Anne Gillies greeted Chorus Niagara as they arrived. The Canadian Choir performed some short pieces for us, and were then entertained by Highland youngsters; harpists, singers and dancers.
On the following evening we laid on a Pot Luck Supper for everyone at Smithton, and a rehearsal followed.
Sheila Bruce & Lyn Honsberger
Sheila Bruce & Lyn Honsberger
The two accompanists exchange notes at the Civic Reception.
After the social events there were rehearsals both at Smithton and at Eden Court. The children of NyCOS Inverness also took part in the concert - there were over 200 singers in all, quite a feat of stage management.
Civic Reception
Civic Reception
Traditional Highland entertainment at the Civic Reception
Preparing the supper
Preparing the supper
Gill Silver in the kitchen
Pot Luck Supper
Pot Luck Supper
Everybody helped
Tables of Food
Tables of Food
Preparing the tables
Tucking In
Tucking In
Enjoying the Pot luck Supper
Enjoying the Pot luck Supper
Anne's new jacket
Anne's new jacket
Anne Gillies receives a Canadian jacket
Gordon gets a jacket
Gordon gets a jacket
Gordon Tocher was also presented with a Canadian jacket!
Donald Maxwell
Donald Maxwell
Donald turns up at the rehearsal
Scots and Canadians
Scots and Canadians
Scots and Canadians rehearse at Smithton
Robert Cooper's turn
Robert Cooper's turn
Robert Cooper at the rehearsal
Eden Court rehearsal
Eden Court rehearsal
Eden Court rehearsal
Eden Court rehearsal
Looking for the conductor on the big screen!
In the Pit
In the Pit
There were so many singers that the orchestra pit had to be opened.
Speech to the audience
Speech to the audience
Anne Gillies bravely addresses the audience at Eden Court
Donald Maxwell
Donald Maxwell
And here's Donald at the performance
Elegant sopranos for Carmina Burana
Ladies in pink
Ladies in pink
The ladies of Chorus Niagara wore lovely pink jackets
The Concert
The Concert
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